
2011年12月11日 星期日

在ubuntu 20.04/18使用LMMS/Rosegarden編輯播放Midi

Iphone/IPad用sweet midi→最後1/4無法播放
android用MIDI voyager→功能較全

LMMS由.AppImage安裝後啟動,Import mid file no sound, 要改設定如下
Edit>Settings>Path, 1. soundfont 2. sf2   ok

可移調 transposition

Rosegarden 20.04安裝同18.04,soundfont選用vlc-plugin-fluidsynth_3.0.11-0+deb9u2_amd64.deb安裝,安裝qsynthw11不安裝timgm6mb-soundfont,qsynth要開著

也可自軟体中心安裝Ardour(中文介面)→會話→import midi file
musescore最易安裝,自帶soundfont .sf3
LMMS 要指定 soundfont目錄及 .sf2

之前標題:midiplus 61 usb keyboard在ubuntu 18.04/12.04/10.4使用及配合Rosgerden可按keyboard編曲

ubuntu 18.04參


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fluidsynth jackd qjackctl qsynth
sudo apt-get install timgm6mb-soundfont
qsynth setup如下
sudo apt-get install rosegarden
Studio→Manage MIDI Devices

MIDI樂器對照表找General MIDI 參數→旋律音色 (Melodic soundes)

100416 個人貼圖不見不再更新因設備沒了

011012 (我加上的為斜体字)
setting up Rosegarden (for MIDI music) in Linux (Ubuntu 8.04)
One confusing thing is that the programs kept referring to the JACK software. Although JACK seems to be versatile and powerful, I still haven't figured out how to use it after spending quite a bit of time on it --and you don't need it to run Rosegarden. So here's how I did it.

I found out that, like many Musical Instrument Digital Interface ("MIDI") applications, Rosegarden itself does not produce sound, and must tell a separate "midi synthesizer" what sounds to produce. This "midi synthesizer" can be software or hardware (if you have a sound card with midi). So the key is to:

1. get a midi synthesizer running
2. install a sound font
2. tell Rosegarden to send the music to that midi synthesizer

Step 1: Get a MIDI synthesizer running

You need to install a MIDI synthesizer program. You can install QSynth/FluidSynth. (Another alternative not covered here is TiMidity++.) QSynth is the GUI front-end that lets you easily control FluidSynth, which is the actual synthesizer. In Ubuntu (and probably most distros), if you install QSynth, it will automatically realize that you need FluidSynth to go with it, and install that program also. So, either open a terminal and type the command:

sudo apt-get install qsynth

or use Synaptic or whatever program. Other distros will have their own way of installing the qsynth package.

In a terminal, type the command "qsynth". This will activate QSynth. Unfortunately, it will also probably bring up an error message and complain that the JACK software isn't running. But all you need to do is tell it that you don't want to use JACK, so close the error message windows and:
- click the Setup button on the left (NOT the "Options" button on the right)
- click the Audio tab
- for Audio Driver, select "alsa" instead of "jack". (This changes the rest of the options on the screen.)

Step 2: Install a sound font

You need to get install a soundfont file. This tells QSynth what each instrument sounds like. There are various types of soundfont files; the kind gentleman who helped me pointed me to a small basic all-purpose soundfont file that contains the General Midi ("GM") standard 128 instruments. He gave me the file directly, but I'm told that it can be found here:


However, you can also use the Ubuntu package "fluid-soundfont-gm". This file is about 140MB in size --presumably the instruments sound that much better! If you install that package, whether using the command "sudo apt-get install fluid-soundfont-gm" or using Synaptic, then the soundfont file will end up at:
Remember this file location. Other distros might put it elsewhere; your package manager can tell you where the file is installed.

If you want to get a soundfont from somewhere else, I was told to try these web sites:

I checked out both sites. Hammersound seemed to have more specialized sounds that were better as add-ons, but I didn't find a general soundfont file for all-purpose use. PersonalCopy seemed to be better, but I didn't actually download their soundfont to try, so try at your own risk! Remember where you've put your downloaded file.

Once you have a soundfont file on your computer, tell QSynth where it is:
- click the Setup button on the left (NOT the "Options" button on the right)
- click the Soundfont tab
- click the Open button, and open your soundfont file

Now QSynth is ready to play your notes. You just need to get Rosegarden to tell it what notes to play!

Step 3: set up Rosegarden

In Ubuntu, you install Rosegarden with the command "sudo apt-get install rosegarden" or use Synaptic. Do whatever the equivalent is for your distro.

Before you run Rosegarden, make sure QSynth is already set up and running. Now go ahead and run Rosegarden. If it doesn't appear on your menu, you can type the "rosegarden" command at a terminal.

When you run Rosegarden, it will also complain that the JACK software is not running. Ignore it. Go to the Rosegarden main menu > Studio > Manage MIDI Devices. Under "Play devices", you can choose which MIDI device for "General MIDI Device" and "MIDI output system device". You might need to set up each of these two settings, but it worked for me when I just set the "General MIDI Device" one. It lets you choose a connection or "No connection". The available connections will NOT be marked "QSynth" so you have to figure out which is the correct one. Mine says "128:0 Synth input port" but maybe yours is different.

Okay, that's it! Rosegarden should now play actual sound to your speakers! Of course, make sure that your computer speakers are plugged in and the volume is high enough to hear. Grab a MIDI file or one of the included Rosegarden "RG" files (an RG file is a MIDI file with some added features) and play it to see if it works.

Some notes:

I found that when I loaded one of the RG files, it reset the MIDI output to the wrong connection, so I had to go back to main menu > Studio > Manage MIDI Devices > Play devices and change the General MIDI Output device to the right connection again.

Note that if you already have TiMidity++ running in the background, then QSynth won't work properly. While trying to get Rosegarden working, I ran TiMidity++ once --but after it was done, it stayed running in the background (as root!) and I found that things didn't work any more. It could be running the background without you realizing! You can check if it's running with the command:

ps -ef | grep timidity

If it comes back with only one line that says somewhere "grep timidity", then timidity is NOT running. If the response has more than one line, and one or more lines contain the word "timidity" but not "grep timidity", then timidity is running, and you need to use the command "sudo killall -s9 timidity" to get rid of it BEFORE you run QSynth.

In the same way, if the JACK software daemon is running in the background, it can make things confusing (since Rosegarden and QSynth will try to use it). If you know how to use JACK, go ahead. (And also tell *me* how to use it!) (And what are you doing reading this guide if you already know how to use JACK?) Otherwise, you can make sure the JACK daemon software is not running using a similar method:

ps -ef | grep jackd

If it comes back with only one line that says somewhere "grep jackd", then jackd is NOT running. If the response has more than one line, and one or more lines contain the word "jackd" but not "grep jackd", then jackd is running, and you need to use the command "sudo killall -s9 jackd" to get rid of it BEFORE you run QSynth.

If you already have a hardware MIDI synthesizer on your soundcard, then you don't need QSynth. I guess you would tell Rosegarden to use that connection under main menu > Studio > Manage MIDI Devices. If it doesn't work, then try it with QSynth anyway.

如下圖,在Jack Audio Connection Kit的Setting→Interface要選你的usb midi,connections會自動連接,即可一邊彈keyboard,一邊錄音存編歌譜。

midiplus 61 usb原廠只提供winows/Mac趨動,
再安裝jack control後如設定,connection(每次都要重設)
midi drive (seq)

預設midi/swlect program 1鋼琴聲,其他請參考第7,8頁


2011年7月13日 星期三


071411取自 http://www.online-tech-tips.com/computer-tips/fix-upside-down-videos-in-vlc/

Last week, we talked about how Windows Movie Maker can fix upside down videos. This time, we will try it with VLC, an open-source and free media player.

The difference between the two platforms is that with the former, you have an option to create or publish the movie. The result or effect will be permanent. Once you play the file, it will have the rotated video.

The latter, on the other hand, will fix the upside down video and play it immediately in the media player. Moreover, with VLC, you can use two methods for resolving this glitch. The first one is through the Transform feature and the other one is through Geometry-Rotate.

If you plan to share the movie, edit its contents, upload it to YouTube or Facebook, or burn it to CD/ DVD, Windows Movie Maker is the better choice. However, if you’re in a hurry and want to watch the video right away, it is recommended you fix the problem using VLC.

To start, open the VLC program and click the Tools menu.

tools menu

Next, press Effects and Filters.

effects & filters

The default display is Audio Effects. Hit the Video Effects tab to proceed to the next step.

video effects

Under Video Effects, check the Transform checkbox.

rotate 180

For this illustration, because we want to resolve the upside down video, we will select Rotate by 180 degrees.

You also have an option to rotate the file by 90 or 270 degrees, or flip it horizontally or vertically.

rotate modes

You will see the result immediately. This is the original video.

original video

This is the resolved movie. After the fix, you can continue playing and watching the video.

rotated video

The other way of patching up upside down video using VLC is through the Geometry-Rotate feature.

To access this tool, you still have to click the same commands used in the first method. Go to Tools > Effects and Filters > Video Effects. Instead of going to Basic, browse to the Geometry tab.

Next, check the Rotate checkbox. In here, you can see the Angle needle. This needle will be used to rotate the video according to your preferred angle.

rotate angle

This is the default angle of the video when you enable Geometry’s Rotate feature.

rotate video angle

Move the needle downwards to rotate the upside down movie by 180 degrees.

correct angle

You can see the effect in real-time. This is the result file rotated by the Angle’s needle.

angle rotated

Remember though that VLC’s fix is not permanent. Once you close the file and play it again, you will still see the upside down video.

因行車記錄器位置的關係,影像上下顛倒,在win可用kmplayer,我在ubuntu下用vlc,原選工具Preference下的視訊 濾波器 的旋轉及轉換皆無效,看了上述才知應在工具Effects and Filter下選第2項(選單仍譯成 音訊效果),之後win也改回vlc。

2011年1月10日 星期一


ubuntu 22.04內建快速鍵(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R)→可選錄影快照,請看右欄連結




Install vokoscreenNG on Ubuntu using the Snap Store


更改快速鍵 開始/停止→Shift+F10,暫停/繼續→Shift+F9

可用vokoscreenNG, SimpleScreenRecorder (UNOFFICIAL)


Ubuntu Linux 使用Open Broadcaster Software 錄製螢幕畫面教學- G. T. ...



個人經驗如要含內部及外部音響時,則以ipad錄影→itools(windows only)到電腦,winff轉mov到mp4最好用。


ffmpeg -f x11grab -s wxga -r 25 -i :0.0 -sameq /tmp/out.mpg

ffmpeg -f x11grab -s cif -r 25 -i :0.0 /tmp/out.mpg

wxga = Wide Extended Graphics Array (16:10寬螢幕)
cif = Common Intermediate Format (4:3 標準螢幕)